Friday, April 8, 2011

Genetics video

Today we watched a video on genetics. We took notes on the video. He is going to collect the notes.

  • We inherit genetic material from our parents.

  • A monk name Gregor Mendel created experiment to figure out how this happened.

  • He did an experiment using peas like our pea soup simulation.

  • Each parent contributes one factor.

  • the factors are genes.

  • they can tell what the offspring might look like, but they can also pass some diseases.

  • Morgan started working with fruit flies to experiment.

  • Morgan took a fruit fly with red eyes and one with white eyes.

  • The offspring had red eyes.

  • All of the flies with white eyes where male.

  • Gender is determined by chromosomes.

  • Morgan found out that the eyes and x chromosomes had some relationship.

  • diseases are caused by problems with genes.

  • George Beetle worked with Morgan.

  • Beetle took bread mold and experimented with it.

  • Beetle aerated the chromosomes and the mold didn't grow.

  • When Beetle added the nutrients the mold started to grow again.

  • This showed that genes did more that give the characteristics to offspring.

  • Barbara Miclintok was a scientist.

  • Miclintok researched the genetics of maize.

  • The color showed where the break in the chromosomes occurred.

  • The color would show up in different parts of corn.

  • Transposons are in all different things.

  • Miclintok's work was ignored.

  • Alford Hershey and Martha Chase found out whether it was the protein in the bacteria or DNA that caused viruses.

  • They found out that it was DNA.

  • James Watson were finding out about DNA.

  • He made a 3-D version of DNA.

  • He got a a x-ray of the DNA and finished the structure.

  • They found out that it was a double helix.

  • People knew that DNA made protein.

  • Scientists found that cells with lots of protein had lots of RNA.

  • Scientists found out that mRNA translated instructions from DNA and made protein.

  • They found out that when they where aligned with triplets it made proteins.

  • The triplets were amino acids.

  • Merinbourg found out how to decipher the genetic code.

  • Certain types of bacteria had enzymes that stopped viruses from taking over the bacteria.

  • Smith found out that the enzymes cut the DNA in the place it was.

  • Through a process called alternative splicing RNA can make more protein.

  • Jeffreys was a detective.

  • Jeffreys found a DNA variant called mini satellite DNA.

  • DNA fingering was used in Jeffrey's case.
I think that today's lesson was on the history of how people found out about genetics.


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