Friday, December 17, 2010

We are going over the cell functions. We have gone over the cell wall - holds the shape of the cell. Next we did the Golgi apparatus- it transports micromacules(proteins, and carbohydrates)- there is another function of the Golgi apparatus - they tag the packages of protein. Then he compared when two magnets get closer together they get faster and faster until they collide. The Golgi apparatus adds a chemical on to the protein cell and it shoots them away to another organelle. Another cell function would be motiocondria- it provides energy for respiration. Next the nucleus- reproduction. Chloroplasts- make the plant green. Lysosomes- they make fluid for cellular digestion they also play a big role of cells dieing. Ribosomes make proteins to a proses called protiensynthesis. Synthesis- means to create or build, lysis-to break down. Cytoplasm- allows proteins and microcoms to travel. Kate asked do we have a nucleus and he said to talk about it in our groups. My group is deciding between the heart and the brain. another group said that the brain is the nucleus. We have a hundered trillion cells we have millions of nucleus'.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


We started class by Mr.Finley telling us that he fixed the study guides. Then we watched a video and answered these questions...explain what you see. Is this living, nonliving, dormant, or dead? What is the evidence? The last question was what type of cells are these if alive? What is your evidence? (Animal, plant, or bacteria. Eukaryotic or prokaryotic). My answers to these questions were, I think I saw an oval like thing that had hairy things around it and I thought it was single-celled organism eating or attacking something. It is a living thing. My proof is it is moving and seems to have DNA scattered through it. My last answer was it is a bacteria cell because it is moving and seems to have DNA and all the parts that bacteria has which makes it a prokaryotic cell. We all saw different things which we never decided on what was what. Then as a class we decided that it was an animal cell because it jiggles, doesn't have a cell wall, and it a cillia. Bacteria and plant cells do have cell walls. We also decided that it had to be living because it seemed like a cell. Then we looked at two pictures of bacteria under an electron microscope. They had capsules and cell walls so you coudn't see through them but the animal cell in the video was see through. After this we watched another video with paramecium eating yeast that was dyed red.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Functions of cells

Today we had to find the functions of the parts of the cells. We found the functions of:

cell wall- provides and maintains the shape of the cell. It serves as a protective barrier.

cell membrane*-acts as a barrier to the uncontrolled flow of water. It also allows small molecules to pass through. It is like a filter.

ribosome*-they make protein through a process called protein synthesis.

rough endoplasmic reticulum-transports ribosomes and makes protien. They also store and collect ribosomes.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum- makes hormones, breaks down toxins in the liver, and control the amount of calcium in the muscles.

Mitochondria*-gives energy to the cell and allows it to move.

Nucleus*-holds the DNA that provides the cell with it's characteristics. It is also involved in cellular reproduction.

vacuole-digests and releases waste products. In plant cells they store and release nutrients and hold water. It makes cells grow.

cytoplasm-Paths for protein to travel and it gives the cell it's shape. It also holds the organelles in place.

chloroplasts*-responsible for the plant's green color and lets plants photosynthesize.

lysosomes-help the cell digest. Lysosomes release things to break down the cell when it is dying.

golgi apperatus-packages, tags, and sends nutrients to other parts of a cell.

The ones with stars are the ones that Mr. Finley wants us to focus on the most. Mr. Finley already finished averaging our quizzes. Until January 1st Mr. Finley won't post anything up on the website (this includes homework). Our homework tonight is to finish whatever we don't finish in class (view work above).

Sophie 3

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

At the beginning of class we talked about when we would get our tests and quizes back. We then reviewed the cell by bringing up a diagram on the smartboard. It was a diagram of the animal cell. He called on people to tell us what it was classified as and then asked us to go up and label some parts. He called up students to go up one at a time. Once we got all of those parts down we moved to the plant cell. We labeled the cell with all the parts that were not on the animal cell. We then moved on to the bacteria cell. We classified that as a prokaryote and then labeled that too. He taught us about the cell wall and cell membrane and which layer was which. He then told us about the pili flagella and the capsule. They were also parts of the bacteria cell. He showed us a new cell and asked us if we thought it was a prokaryote or eukaryote. I thought it was a eukaryote because there was a nucleus. I was correct it was a eukaryote. He also told us that it was an animal cell. He showed us another cell and asked us to classify it. It was a eukayote and was a single celled animal cell.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Substitue Teacher Day

In class today, we read an article independently. Our period was specifically told to work alone. Mr Finley was not in school today and our substitute was Mrs. Higginson. Then, once we finished reading we answered the questions on the back of the page. We had to take notes on the article and answer questions. The article was about eukaryote and prokaryote cells. Eukaryotes have areas inside the cell seperated off from the rest of the cell by membranes. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane bound organelles. Everything is openly accessible within the cell. DNA is stored all over. Single celled organisms are called unicellular. Organisms made up of groups of cells are multicellular. Types of unicellular organisms are archea and bacteria. Types of multicellular organisms are fungi, plants, and animals. Cells reproduce by splitting slowly and dividing. The substitute said we worked great and she was going to give us a good report. There is more information but you have to read the article to find out. Mr. Finley is still disapointed in us for all the bad reports about cheating, but he will find out who did it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Science Class

Today in class, we had to retake our quiz on the organelles of animal and plant cells.

After that, we were told to write three paragraphs in our notebooks each answering a question that was on the board.
  • The first question was: "What are the similarities and differences between bacteria, animal, and plant cells?"
  • The second question was: "If I say I am looking at a prokaryotic cell, what does that mean?"
  • The third question was: "What came first, prokaryotic cells, or eukaryotic cells?"

For the first question, we said that the plant and bacteria cells had cell walls and the animal cells didn't. We explained that bacteria cells can survive on its own. We also said that animal and plant cells have organelles and bacteria cells doesn't (like...nucleus', endoplasmic reticulums, mitochondrias, golgi apparatus', etc.). In addition, bacteria cells have hair and most animal and plant cells don't (multicellular). The reading told us that these classifications would be that plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells and bacteria cells are prokaryotic cells.

For the second we said that it means to look at a cell with no membrane-bound organelles. Such as bacteria cells.

Lastly, for the third question we said that prokaryotic cells came first because it was the first basic cell. It later evolved into eukaryotic cells. Like bacteria cells came way before humans and plants.

After we finished writing the three paragraphs, we discussed it by looking at a picture of bacteria, animal, and plant cells. That was the science class in Mr. Finley's 7th period class.

  • Prokaryotic Cell: A cell that doesn't have any membrane-bound organelles within it (like mitochodria).
  • Eukaryotic Cell: A cell that does have organelles within it.

-Jimmy Evangelos

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Classifying If Something was Living, Non-living, Dormant, or Dead

Today in class we started talking about if we are ready for the quiz that we had last week about the parts of a cell. Next we went over the homeowrk deciding if the object was living, non-living, dormant, and dead. We went around the room for each person saying if it was living, non-living, dormant, and dead. If u disagreed with the person's answer you would have to raise your hand and defend why you think that. We saved mitochondreia to talk about last because it is the most unique. Organ system, organs, tissue, cells, organelles, molocules, and adams make up what is bigger than each other like cells make up tissues. Then we continued to talk about what hydrogen is. Hydrogen and oxygen are an element. Atoms are considered structures. Here's a list of living, non-living, dormant, and dead:

Tree- living

Rock- non-living


















Hibernating Bear-living




Above is a picture of a bear that is considered living because it has all of the charactereistics of life.


Monday, December 6, 2010

12/5/10 Organism v. cells

Today in class we first talked about our project. Our homework was to vote for three of the best presentations on the characteristics of live. We are sending the best three of each class to a third grade class in chatam.Next Mr. Finley asked us if we were studying our cell parts. When most of the class said that they had been studying,Mr. Finley asked us if we would be ready to take a test.Instantly most people said that they were not ready to take the test.with that,Mr.Finley brought up the subject we had to talk to our parents for homework. We had to think of evidence that a dead organism is alive on a cellular scale. To give an example Mr. Finley told us how is dad once cut of his finger. He gave us the question, are the cells inside the finger still alive? We had a argument whether it is good to put ice one the finger. which led to a whole other discussion.Then Mr.Finley asked us to think about soemthing. Lets say that you deside to be a good eater. No more fatty foods. you deside to go and buy a salad. Is it alive? We had a large discussion. towards the end we started to come to the conclusion that, the organism is dead,however the cell is alive.

Mr. Finley ask us about celerly, when it goes bad we desided that parts of the cells parts break down, for example in the case of the celery, the cell wall would break down and there will be no more structure.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Science class

Today Mr.Finley said that if you blogged during the presentation last month and you didn't like your blog you can redo it at the end of the month after the blogging cycle is over. We made a web that started out with Dead then we defined it as was once living and had all the characteristics of life. Living is that it has the characteristics of life now. Then nonliving never had any of the charateristics of life. Dormant is Lima Beans, Acorns, and Yeast, these things could become living if you add something to it , like water.Dead and dormant can be to diferent things or they come under living or nonliving. Mr.Finley said there is no wrong answer.After that we discussed the homework from Thursday. first, we discussed wether or not a plant cell is an organism. Then, Mr.Finley asked us what a cell was which is the smallest living thing in life.

A link to see a lima bean please go to the following link.

Then, Mr.Finley said that cells can be organisms, but they don't have to be. That was what we did today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

First, we finished our powerpoint presentations on the 8 characteristics of life. Then, we did a worksheet on organisms and cells.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30, 2010

First we all came to class. The agenda for the day was to combine or class slides. Then the groups members would help change each others slide. While everyone was doing that Mr. Finley had three mini lesson one on combining all of the slides, uses the basic features of smart notebook, and using the advanced graphics of smart note book. Then we broke up into our groups and worked on our projects. To combine each slide you have to open each slide. Then drag the little page thing on the right onto the side of one Smart Note Book. The last tab on the right on the bottom has everything you can do to a picture or anything that is grouped. You can add animation to it. You can also had a background color. Also you can go to the second tab and you can get some interactive things. Mr. Finley told us that we should make it kid friendly and almost have a story that goes with it. It should have lots of pictures and big words. With ten minutes left we got or quizzes back and we got to change some answers if we had a hard time finishing the quiz. It was a good day. No one got any detentions. Here is the link for the Characteristics of life slide show.

Johnny S

Monday, November 29, 2010

Today in class we got called up to check for our homework, took a quiz, and some of us started our project. On the homework i said in order to be classified as living you need to reproduce, move(in a ceratin way), grow, eat, needs to have energy, responds to stimuli( react), adapt to new enviroments, heredity, cells, and it needs to digest. All of these things humans can do and humans are alive so another living thing could all of those things. We may not be exactly alike ohter living things but we are alive just like those things so they should be able to do them.I was unable to post a link so I found this information from the slideshow which we worked on last wedensday. For the bottom of the homework I put leaves, algae, plankton, grass, and trees. I put these down because these things do not move but they reproduce, eat, and adapt to different seasons(only for trees and lkeaves if they live in a place with for seasons)All of these can be classified as living living things.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mr.Finley went around checking if everybody did their home work.The people in the regular track are doing the homework of the advanced track from last night.The info we are getting is from this slide show.
The characteristics of life:
  1. Cellular Organazation
  2. Reproduction
  3. Metabolism
  4. Homeostasis
  5. Heredity
  6. Responsivness
  7. Growth and Development
  8. Adapt Through Evolution



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Today we talked about our blogs. We have to comment 2 times a month on someones blog. Animal cells DO NOT have a cell wall only plant cells have cell walls and they basically protect the cell from harmful things. They are like the base of the cell. I think the simulation that is better and that taught me more was the other simulation that we did last week the one that talked. The cells alive didn't talk so it didn't mention words that we might not know or that we might need to learn. The other simulation actually took us inside the parts of the cell and it showed us what happens inside those parts.

Monday, November 22, 2010

In the beginning of the class we talked about the new rule and how if you disrupt class you get a five minute detention and loose half of your class participation for the day then if it happens again you loose all your credit for the day and you get ten minutes of detention an then fifteen and so on. Then we discussed how some people if they choose can be excellerated and they work ahead of every body else. Then we went over the home work and wrote the answers to the home work on the dry erase boards. After that we went over what we put on the white board. during the discussion we talked about why the onion didn't have any chloroplasts. They don't have them because they are on the part that gets chopped off.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Todays Work

Ok so first thing that we did was go over last nights homework, the lists on the plants and animals, and just plants. We are talking about the cells that was on last nights homework. We are going to each groups and saying one thing on the list that the group has to see if one group is missing something. So the things that were in the Plants and Animals were: Cell membrane, nueclus, ribosome-er, cytoskeleton/cytopasm, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondra, golgi appararus, lysomes. The things that were just on the plant cell were: cell wall, chloroplasts, vacuoles. So now he is telling us to go back and look at the cells. So in the animal cells we saw the nuecleus, and on both we saw the cell me mbrame. The things that filled up the rest of the cells were cyroplasm. Now we are going to go back to the onion cell from yesterday.


november 18th 2010

today in class we started off with reviewing our homework with our tables and adding any new info to our lists. both animal and plant cells have a cell membrane, a nucleus, a ribosome, cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochodria, golgi aparatus, lysosomes, and some animal cells along with plant cells have vacuoles. plant cells only have a cell wall and chloroplasts.

then, we labeled the parts of the grass specimen and the cheek cell specimen. for the animal cells, we saw the nucleus, cell membrane (both animal and plant cells). on both cells, the clear inside is a jelly-like part called the cytoplasm (cytoskeleton).
afterwards, we worked on our onion specimens. we cut off a tiny, tiny, thin piece of onion with a razor blade, cutting off one layer of onion about the size of a crumb. we put it on a slide, and put it under the microscope. it looked like a bunch of overlapped ovals or bricks that were different shades of green and brown. then, we ran out of time, so go to mr. finley for extra help on this lab.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

11/17/10 cells labs

We started the class by making questions for the plant microscope experiment. Mr. Finley
introduced to us that we would be getting different samples for the microscope experiment. Then representatives from each table went outside to get a new sample of grass. Next we went over the procedure for making a slide. We remembered that we should only use ond drop of water and only a tiny piece of grass. While the people from each group were outside the others set up the microscope. We made a slide and looked at the piece of grass. We got ours perfect in focus from low power. We drew the picture of our grass next under low power. We say that the grass under low power had little dots on it and they looked like cells or water. Then we
set the microscope to high power and drew a picture of that in our notebook. Under high power the grass looked like it had dots too. The dots looked like they were dark on the outside and lighter on the inside. They looked like they were in a row. There was also a line in the middle of the grass. the dots were close to get her. After we drew our pictures we went on and answered questions about what we saw while Mr. finley called us up to see our grades. When the gr
oup finished the grass experiment we moved on to an onion experiment where we looked at a tiny piece of an onion and put iodine on it to make the cells darker when we put it under the microscope. The onion cells were in a line and linked together under low power. Also
under low power the onion cells were long and and looked thin. We didnt get to get to high
power with the onion but we finished the grass lab from yesterday. I think that class today
was very interesting and it was pretty interesting. The microscopes really help us see things that are very hard to see. Todays class was great and we got to see where some of the parts
of a cell can be located. Here are some pictures of what the grass and onion cells looked like from under the microscope.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

microscpoe lab

We are going over the questions from fridays lab. We're writeing our anwers on a white bord. So far my group has :
Methylene blue is necessary because... we think that that the cells are clear, so the methylene blue will make it blue. It made the cells visible and the air bubbles are completly white.
The dye can get inside of the cell because... it's like a sifter, the mythylene blue is small enough to get inside the cell.
Yes we do think the cell is made up of parts, because it had small lines, and a decent size circle.
Next we went over the anwers. Mr. Finely took another sample of his cheek cells and put it under the microscope that is atached to the smart bored. He put no methylene blue in the sample and all we could see were air bubbles. Next he put the methylene blue in as it was still under the microscope. The cells started to show up as the methylene blue went through the sample avouding the air bubbles and the cells showing up as it went.
Now Mr. Finely is sending people out to get 2 samples of grass. Next he made everybody that wasn't getting grass samples get microscopes and set it up. Then he said to break the grass in two so both groups could have one. we put one drop of water on the slide and then we put the grass on the slide. Next we put the cover slip on and put it under the microscope. We observed that it had little craks on it . We will comtinue tomorrow.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Cell Lab

Low Objective (Cheek Cells) High Objective (Cheek Cells)

Today we started class by hearing a bad report from the sub. We were very bad and Mr. Finley told us he was very embarresed because she is a friend of his. He then told us to take out a peice of paper and write a letter apologizing to him. He also told us we will not be doing the lab we were supposed to do. After he collected the letters he told us about the biology test we will have to take to pass 9th grade biology. He told us we had 7th and half of 9th grade to learn everything we need to know. He then read something from an older sample test. He then told us we had to watch the lab be done on video and our expert microscope group did not have a great presentation yesterday. He showed us notes/tips 4th period wrote about microscopes, using them, adjusting things, and slide plates and coverslips. Nect we talked about the lab. We were supposed to do it using our own cells but we had to use Mr. Finley's cells. The best cells to look at are cheek cells. These are the best to use because they are big and they constantly come off. To get the cells we gently rub the flat tip of a toothpick inside our cheeks and gently rub it on a slide. We were also supposed to use methylene blue. This is used for many things. We would use it to dye the cells to see them easier. We also learned that using it would make the slide a wet mount slide. If you happen to use a little too much methylene blue you can put a tissue on it but don't rub, gently place it on top to absorb some. This is the process of making a wet mount slide. We then learned about filters and what they are used for; seperating bigger and smaller things. Then Mr. Finley showed us the slide of dyed cells on the computer. They look like little small flower petals from far away but as they get closer they look more like petals from flowers. To finish up we sketched the cells and answered question.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tread Under a Microscope

Today we started off class reviewing homework. Then we looked under a microscope. The image under the microscope was on the smart board. There were three pieces of thread that intersected each other. We turned the microscope onto the higher objective, it was hard to see so tried to focus the image and we learned that if we focused in too much the matter got onto the lens. After we focused it, we could see little cords that make up the thread. This lesson was to show that the microscopes can be used to see deeper(inside, what makes up) of the thing you are looking at. We kind of see through the blue thread and see the yellow thread under it. Afterward, the experts explained what they were doing the other day. They got a piece of letter on a slide. They had to use the objective lenses to find the letter and use to course focus and the fine focus to adjust the microscope. The fine focus makes the image sharper or duller. When they zoomed in, you could only see part of the image. It was blurry when you zoomed in too much and the fine focus couldn't help that much. The higher objectives were too strong and it made the image harder to see. I think that this lesson is meaningful because we would probably need it for when we use the microscopes on our own. When we start to look at cells under a microscope we would need to know how to use the microscope. This lesson is very meaningful.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When we first got into class we sat down and got our homework out. We discussed a little about the homework. Then Mr. Finley yelled at us for not being able to focus and be quiet. Then we went over the answers to the homework and gave ourselves two numbers. One was how comfortable we felt with using microscopes. The other was how comfortable you were with answering the questions for homework. After that we worked on a lab with a microscope. If you had trouble with the homework then you went to the big tables in the middle of the room. He talked to us a little and then we got started on the online lab. There were questions that we had to answer on the lab. We used the virtual microscope to find the answers to the questions given. We continued working on the lab until the end of the class.

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Unit Introduction

When we first got into the room, all of the tables moved to a lab table. Then when we got settled down Mr.Finley told us about the study session that will be on wednsday at 7 o'clock for the test. Next, Mr.Finley told us that we are going to begin our new unit. After that we watched a silly video that we used to answer two questions. Which are "What is the main idea(s) behind the video?" And "How can this concept explain the structure of multicellular organism?"
We thought back to the beggining of the video when it said that everyone lives in house in a block in a town or a villiage. Which makes a city in a state that creates a country that lies on a continet and the continent lies on a planet like earth With this we found the main idea which is that everything is made up of something smaller. Examples were that galaxies are made of star systems that are made of planets that are made of continents, etc. With this we found out that humans are made of organs which are made of tissues which are made up of cells etc. This then led us to a discussion to figure out if organs are made up of tissue of muscels. We agreed that if the organ has muscels it has to have tissue as well because muscels are made up of tissues. In addition, we found labeled some of the systems of the human body which are- circulatory, nervous, immune, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, skelatory, muscleatory etc. After that we said that the systems are made up of organs like the heart, liver, kidney, stomach etc. Then we said that organs are made up of tissues which are groups of cells working together. Lastly, we said that tissue is made up of cells. And Mr. Finley told us that in this unit we will learn about what cells are made up of.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednsday Fun Day

Today, we started class by getting our study guide for the upcoming test. Then we played a review game.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bacteria Reproduction

When we first came into class we handed in our lab reports if you finished them. They are do on Tuesday at 11:59 P.M. You can email it to Mr. Finley, but if your computer is not working Mr. Finley will not accept any excuses. Once the people who did their lab reports had them in, we started talking about how the bacteria reproduces. The equation you should use to find the amount of bacteria produced is two times whatever power you put in. For example, two to the second power equals four. Two to the third power equals eight and so on... We also came up with the statement, the more bacteria the faster they multiply. We call this binary fission. Binary fission means bacteria reproduces by splitting. Then, after all this we got our quizzes and graphs back. The grades were pretty good. The graph has the same pattern as the equation. Towards the end of the class, we started a mini project about different types of bacteria and there shapes. The different types were cocci, spirillum, diplo, strepto, and staphlyo. My group had cocci. We had to go on to smart notebook paste a picture and write a short description of what it looks like and the definition. Also, we had to describe how it is grouped. It should be short and just explain what needs to be explained. Tomorrow in class, we are suppose to present it to the class so they could learn what you learned

Stephen Ferraro


Friday, October 29, 2010

Bacteria in science class

Today in science we first reviewed our homework. It was to write a conclusion about the tests we've been performing on bacteria. We each got into groups of two and looked at eachother's conclusions. After we told each other what we did right and what we did wrong, we revised it to make it even better. After that, we made observations in our notebook. The observations were based on a video we watched looking through the lenses of a super microscope. The microscope had a view point of bacteria reproducing very rapidly. We learned a new vocabulary word called binary fision. This is the process of bacteria reproducing by splitting into two. But before the bacteria split into two they had to grow to stay the same size. Below are the different pictures of what the bacteria looked like in the video we watched.

Starting bacteria

Finishing amount of bacteria

After watching the video, we shared and discussed the observations that we made from the video. Also, that's when we talked about binary fision and why the bacteria doubled themselves hundreds of times.

-Jimmy Evangelos Period 7

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog By Jake Vignali

Today in class Mr.Finley started off the period by talking about having the class observe their bacteria for the very last day. This is day seven, my group over the past week has had a-lot of bacteria growth. The most bacteria came from the middle school bathroom toilet. We also tested my locker which is 120A. We also tested the middle school bathrooms urinal. The last thing we tested the middle school bathroom mirror. The most bacteria growth came from the middle school bathroom toilet. there was a-lot of bacteria from others but the toilet had the most. Also we have mold covering nearly the entire peachery dish. The least amount of mold came from my locker corner. The percents of the mold growth is huge since the last time we checked out peachery dish. We had 52% of my locker covered in mold. There was 95% of the bathroom mirror covered. Then the toilet had 97% of bacteria covering it. Then finally we had the urinal which we found out had 80% covering it. I notice though that the locker corner had no bacteria at all. I think this is because the locker corner didn't come in contact with anything. So I came up with a hypothesis. It was that untouched areas will have less bacteria growth then contact areas. Like your foot would have less bacteria than your hand. Now we are going to observe bacteria that is macroscopic. Macroscopic is bacteria that is larger than microscopic bacteria but you still need a microscope to see it. But we are going to observe them in colonies (large numbers). And we are going to use a stereoscope to observe the colonies. A stereoscope is something you use to magnify things. Basically its something that you can see as a human but it helps you get a more detailed picture of the object like a spider. When I looked at the bacteria the mold was hairy. The bacteria had a bubble wrap feature to it. And that's how my day in science went. I have posted a picture though to show you the difference between bacteria and mold.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Graphing Bacteria Growth

Today in class we discussed the graphs Period 7 did for homework last night. Some of the kids had questions. The graphs we did for homework were not that good so in class we went over how you could improve it. Some of the things students were missing in the graph was a trend line and titles. Also logic kids were missing. Some of the kids connected the dots and some didn't. Connecting the dots could help you figure out if you made a mistake or not. For the homework last night, we have to turn it in. We discussed how you could make it more presentable like not having a ripped piece of paper and you should use all of the space provided. We need to make sure that on the axis there is even spacing and also even intervals. On the y axis you had to make it up to 1 million. Then count and make sure its even. On the x axis you needed to have even spacing for the time. Also you need a key or a legend. For the homework you needed to have two separate lines representing the two different sets of data. For the different lines, you needed to represent them differently. Meaning different colored lines for the different sets of data on the graph. During the end of the period Mr. Finley let some of the kids redo there graphs because they did it wrong or they just didn't do it. For the kids that did it right with no errors are working on writing a conclusion for the graph. In the conclusion you should talk about the outcome of the experiment and any important things you noticed when you graphed the data. In the picture I attached in the top left corner shows trend in a graph.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Period 7

First, we did a warm-up problem with our tables. Second, we wrote down more observations and figured out how much more bacterial growth happened in our petri dishes. We wrote down more Qualitative data and found out what percent of each section has mold/bacteria growing in the petri dishes. Next, we played Trivial Pursuit because the online experiment didn't work.

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22nd P7 -JP

Period 7...By JP...10/22/10

First, we were talking about our lab reports which should have a hypothesis, conclusion, data, and your procedure. "For your procedure you must number your steps in order," mr. finley had stated. Just important reminders for your lab report. Second, Mr. finley talked about the observatioonal experimant that led to your hypothesis. You should probably include your observational experiment in your backround section. Your backround should be the first part of lab report. It sets up or makes a backround for your experiment. More specifically it is everything that leads to your experiment.(Important statements Mr. Finley made). Next we learned about our graghs. Basically Mr.Finley made sure we knew how to make a gragh.

Things to make a line gragh
1-Equal spaces between each axis lable.
2-Independent variable should be on the x axis.
3-Equal intervals between each axis lable.
4-Do not have to start at zero.
5-Scale should be an easy number to work with.
6-Lable each axis.
-Lable x axis with your independent variable.
-Lable your y axis gragh with your dependent variable.
7-Lables have to include units of measure.
8-Need a title
9-And ofcoarse put your data on your gragh.
10-Connect the points and/or draw the trend line.
11-Then try to find patterns or relationships between your independent variable and your dependent variable. This part is very important for understanding your gragh.
12-Your trend line does not have to be straight. Your trend line should touch some points and not touch others. A trend line is basically a genral line of the data on your gragh.

Next we worked on our graghs for our bacteria. If you missed class I can only say that everybody's bacteria grew. We did our usuall everyday basis of taking measurements, and adding to our graghs and coming up with more patterns.

email me at,
or contact me on facebook for any questions.

Pic that may help you understand lab reports. is a table.

That is a website leading to a picture that has a copyrite policy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Line Graphs

First we came to class. Then right away we got started on our experiment where we tested where bacteria is the most and the least. Also Mr. Finley told us to use the percent of the area in the Petri dish for amount of bacteria. We also took notes on the bacteria underneath the table we drew yesterday. The class had some very good questions like, "Are we doing the percent of the whole dish or just that section." The answer was the just the section. One group did a good job and got Bull Dog Bucks. They explained what they did. First they found out what it looks like out of the box and then divided it by the number of boxes. If any Table didn't finish went in during study hall. Then we started talking about line graphs. It usually shows trends or changes over time. Then he gave us an example on the white board. We had to make a line graph in our notebook to see if we knew how to make a line graph. Next we went over the independent and dependent variable for the graph. The dependent variable is the thing that is getting measured. The dependent variable goes on the y-axis. The independent variable always goes on the x-axis. Then on the smart board Mr. Finley drew a graph for the example on the white board.

-Johnny Shahpazian

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Period 7

Yesterday in class we did an experiment which was to find a place where you think will contain bacteria, we took a cotton swab and rubbed it on a place where we thought there was bacteria. Then we rubbed the swab in the petri dish. 3/4 places we chose to test for bacteria were in the bathroom. We did this because we know tthe sections is because the places where we took the sample of aren't really clean places. hat bacteria is in places that aren't really clean and in dark places. I predict that bacteria will grow on all four sections of the pertri dish because we chose a bottom corner of a locker, the drain of a sink, a toilet handle, and a outer part of a urinal. The reason I think bacteria will grow in all of them is because I know that they aren't really clean places.

Today, web links were disabled I wwould've posted it but I couldn't anyway I found this article on and it said the top 5 dirtiest places in school, bathroom was #3 on the list

- Jake Pickton

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We are talking about bacteria again. We are talking about where there is less bacteria, here are some places, the oven and a frezzer. There are more places but those are only some. We are also talking about where a lot of bacteria is, the air vents and underneath the wrestling mat and their are more. We are also making an experiment. We are going to make in a petry dish we are going to make 2 places where there is more bacteria and less bacteria. We took a sterilized swab rubed it agains our surface and then rubbed it on the part of the petry dish that has the initials of the surface we took. For example we took an air vent then rubbed it with the sterilized swab then rubbed it on the air vent corner. Now we can see tracks. We think the tracks are bacteria.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Today we talked about conclusions and the result of our homeowork and our conclusions that we did. Mr.Finley showed us Ether Pad and how we can post pieces of evidence and most of the time we post our opinion. We reviewed the Lois Pasteur notes and simulation.On the notes Mr.Finley underlined each of the important notes. We talked about the Lois Pasteur simulation and experiment and how he tried to disprove the other peoples hypothesis'. I learned that mold is sitting in the air and people are very allergic to it. Mold basically just grows on dirty old objects or rotting food. In groups we discussed where in our school does mold and bacteria grow.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

In the begginnig of class we talked about our experiments that we did for homework ands how people used to think food went bad randomly. We talked about how we should write more things down in our note book. On the epidemic page there is a new link for Louis Pasteur. On that link it has Pasteur's experiment on random microbial growth and how if you break of the top of one of the jars micobes will grow but if you leave the other top nothing will grow.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Period 7 Science class

Today in science class we are giving presentations for three different diseases, HIV, Smallpox, and cholera. In the HIV presentation we learned that HIV infects human immune cells, and reproduces within them. Also, that HIV is transmitted through infected blood and sexual fluids. There are no known cures or vaccines to prevent HIV and AIDS. From Cholera we learned that you can get dehydrated if you get cholera you can die. Spreads rapidly through contaminated water caused by bacteria. Mainly found in waste. THe symptoms of cholera are abdominal pain, vomiting and diarhea, cramps, and fever. You must rehydration to prevent the illness. The liqud is made of salt,sugar, and clean water.From smallpox we learned that there is no cure. You can get a red bump from the disease. Also, you can get infected by animals/inscets,body fluids,direct contact, and face to face contact.

Knowing this information is good because you know how to protect yourself from getting these diseases. Also, you can learn new information on these diseases and also you may have learned a new disease, Cholera. I am sorry if you didn't understand the smallpox presentation part because it seemed a little confusing to me.

Go to the sight above to see a picture of an HIV virus.


Monday, October 11, 2010

today in class, we worked in groups to do case study. we were sort of the teachers today. we broke up into groups after handing in homework and we each received an article of a disease. then, each group taught the class about their disease.
cholera is a darrheal disaease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. it is active in nearly 70,000 villages and covers about 110 milion people.
hiv stands for human immuno defficiency virus. causes aids and there is no vaccine available. in 1980s, the first case of aids began. hiv is caused by infected blood cells. 1985 there was the first lisenced aids blood test was conducted. 1/2 million people die a year from aids a year in the u.s.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

In class we checked our homework, (the venn diagrams, and questions.) We are going over the stimulation, and the questions. We are seeing how big that nail is and magnifying it. We go down deeper into the discussion and Mr. Finley shows us the dust mights, human hair, Ragweed pollen, blood cells Rhinovirus, and all the other things. We are going over our venn diagrams and doing the three circle virus, bacteria and parasite and for the bacteria we are just saying what we wrote down... we think its a type of germ, and mycroscopic organisim that produces a disease. Some are good, some bacteria is in yogurt, cheese. A micro organism cant reproduce. So if a thing cant reproduce then it isnt alive. WE made the fourth circle. In the parasite mixed with bacteria and virus and germ, we wrote small could cause a disease. Things could fall under big catagories.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Period 7 Concept map/consensus

Today in class before Mr. Finley came around to check homework he asked us ways that we could do if we were absent to get our homework to get a good grade. Some of the ideas that the class came up with were to go on the site and check homework, text Mr. Finley, email friends, come in early to school and make it up, check the blog, and chech with friends. Then Mr. Finley asked us how we could do well before and after tests/quizes. The class came up with the idea of studying in advance, make sure that you understand the topic before the test, and have a positive attitdue that you will do well. Also if you dont think that you did well on a test you can correct it and give it back to Mr. Finley a week after and no later, also you have to prove to Mr. Finley that you understand the topic by showing your best work on the makeup. Next we went over the homework. Mr. Finley wanted us to understand the word concensus. It means that everyone in a group agrees. Then Mr. Finley split up the class and each group had to come to a concensus for our vocab on our homework. Then we started to discuss. My group finished and reached a concensus quickly and agreed on many deffinitions for our vocab. We went over the words viruses, bacteria, germs, epidemics, illness, disease, and parasites. We never went over this as a class. Next we went over a concept map. Mr. Finley said a concept map is a chart that can show where things connect and where things dont connect. Our group made a concept map for the vocabulary words. A lot of things in the chart connected bacause a lot of the words were similar. Not a lot of the words were different. For example we thought that viruses could connect to four other words. Also we thought that grems could connect to three things in the chart. Next we made a class made concept map together. The class went up one by one (if you were called on) to connect words to one another. The making of the chart went quick but had some dissagreemants in it. We found a concensus for the disagrements. We didnt finish the chart but it looked like this......

This class was not filled with confusion and it was pretty smooth. In class I was confused but this class helped me understand what the vocab we have been using in class more. Also this class helped me learn how to make a new graph of organization called a concept map. Finally I learned what concensus means. It means that a group of peopple agree on one idea out of all of theirs. I think that some other students were confused as well but i think at the end of class we all understood the concept. PH - Peter House

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


We got our quizs back and two students were tyed for the best grades. We went over them and most of the students got good grades. Now we're going over concusions. One concusion was that it was not an epidenic because it would have been food posioning. It also could be because the battle of the bands everyone could have efected each other. They might have gone to a resterant and not only gotten food poisoning but the plates that the food was on might have been dirty. Most think that it is not an epidemic. We are talking about the epidimic weather the people got sick from the resterant. Almost all the kids that went to the cheep chicken hut went swimming. The water would have gotten contaminated but, the kids that went swimming didn't get sick. Maybe the kids went swimming went smimming but, didn't put there head under water. Maybe the kids got sick from the water at the reasterants.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Period 7 - Science Epidemimc Experiment Day 3

We talked about how everyone starts with a B in participation and either works it up or down. We talked about Science Olypiad Team, the test, and competing.
Then we discusses hypothesis, observations, and assumptions and wrote on the board. The observations and hypothesis were all sick people from Jackson and Truman all had stomach aches and fevers. It takes about 1-2 days for food posionings symptoms to affect you and it takes 2-3 days for it to be cured. After the concert, the band went to a restaurant with unhealthy things. Flu normally takes 5 days to affect someone after being exposed. The ceiling tiles in the school were missing in the kitchen of the restaurant.
Insulation made of aspestus which can cause cancer. After battle of the bands T and J had a high absence. the sickness could ber the flu because most people had flu-like symptoms. 9/10 kids had the same symptoms. Almost all symptoms were something to do with the digestive system. Johnathan made a hypothesis that "Maybe the kids came back from the competition not fully healthy and got other people sick." BOTB (Battle of the Bands) was the day before May 20th so they might of infected eachother. Fluids to clean the instruments could have been causing the sickness or maybe the kids weren't cleaning their instruments. Days that most kids were sick they had band practice. Jimmy had a question it was "Were the family members of the sick people sick?" 1/3 of the students had vomitiong. 1/2 of them had a fever and headache. Someone could have poiosned the food. After we did all of this we once again started to research about the could be epidemic. Then Mr.Finley lectured us about saving work. We found out that a neghboring town had a bacteria problem and the sickness caused symptoms similar to food poisoning symptoms.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Period 7 - Epidemic

Above is the website we used today.
We are trying to figure out if there is an epidemic at a town. We viewed the absences and found out that there were days where everyone was at band and other days where one third of the students were absent. We found out that most of the students where out on 5/20 in all schools. We also found out that a lot of the restaurants were doing unhealthy things. In some of the schools the ceiling tiles where missing and wires where exposed. There might have been the West Nile Virus. Classes with more people had more people absent. The students where back at school very quickly so the students might have gotten better quickly.
Today we looked at the band schedule for Jackson Middle School and Truman Middle School. The Jackson Middle School and Truman Middle School seemed to do a lot of activities together. We also looked at the reasons the students were absent and the symptoms they had. Most of the symptoms where the same in both schools so the might have the same disease. When we looked at what the parents said about the students being absent, they said it might be food poisoning or the flu. They all came back to school very quickly. There might be a epidemic at the schools.
Sophie 1

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Period 7

IN the beginning of class today we talked about the homework. The homework was about how there was an epidemic in a computer game called World of Warcraft. Scientists studied how the disease spread and how the players reacted to the disease. It was very helpful for the scientists to study. Video games really help scientists because they show how the people react to something without actually harming or physically hurting them in real life.

After we finished talking about the homework we started talking about how one of the schools in New York and how they thought they were going through an epidemic. We had to observe the data on the schools website and determine if we thought they were going through an epidemic or if it was just a fluke. We had to take notes and observations based on the absency rate. In class today we did't get enough information to determine whether it was an epidemic or not.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Period 7 - Patient Zero Experiment

Today we talked about the way we are supposed to act when we come into class. This is because we came in very loud. So what we need to do is we have to come into class quietly, take out our homework, and use our indoor voices.
Then, we went back to the patient zero experiment that we left off from yesterday, we created a tree diagram as you can see to your left. We made two separate categories, based on our test, one with a list of the names of people that cannot be patient zero and another one with a couple names that could be patient zero.

To start off the experiment, we tested out who Vinny traded his fluid with. And he traded with LB, JM, JS. So Stephen believed that it was Jake that is patient zero. At first we agreed, but when we continued the tree diagram, it showed that Jake is not patient zero. After that we tested who Jonathan traded with, he traded with JP, NM, and SD. We found out that he might have been patient zero. To check our hypothesis, we saw who Jordan traded with. He traded with SF,SB, and CT. After, that we tested who Jimmy traded with. He traded with JP and SD, and they turned out to be sick after they traded with Jimmy. But when Sophie traded with NM, she also got sick after trading with Sophie. We know that Jimmy and Sophie are definitely patient zero. This is because everyone they traded with, got sick.
ADVICE: We were able to eliminate JP of being patient zero because when he interacted with CT and SB, he did not get either of them sick. But when JP interacted with JE, who hadn't interacted with any one before, JP got sick. So we know that JP is NOT pateint zero but JE is.
By, LB

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tree diagram - Period 7

Today in class, we tried to find out who started the disease. We could not find this out because to many people got sick. Also, the class before us did not clean out the test tube well enough because some of us started out with pink(represents illness), but we were not suppose too only if Mr. Finely put the indicator in our fluids. We wrote down everyone we transferred fluids with in order. Then we made a tree diagram with the list of people we transferred with. This would help us find out who patient zero was. Since, too many people got sick we could not track the person down that got everyone sick.
In the tree diagram if the person in our diagram ended up sick we would put an X next to there name. This would help us find out who patient zero was. Today in class, we redid the experiment so we could get better results, but we winded up not having enough time to make a tree diagram. In the experiment we got an amount of people to transfer fluids with. Mr.Finley told us the amount. Then, we went around with the transfer pipets and transferred fluids with other people. If our fluids turned purple we were sick. We wrote everyone we transferred with so we could make a tree diagram. Then, Mr. Finley came around and put indicator in our fluids if it turned purple you were sick. Then, we had to clean out the test tube and throw away the transfer pipets. in the other classes they did not clean the test tubes well enough so some of the indicator were still in the test tubes.