Friday, December 17, 2010

We are going over the cell functions. We have gone over the cell wall - holds the shape of the cell. Next we did the Golgi apparatus- it transports micromacules(proteins, and carbohydrates)- there is another function of the Golgi apparatus - they tag the packages of protein. Then he compared when two magnets get closer together they get faster and faster until they collide. The Golgi apparatus adds a chemical on to the protein cell and it shoots them away to another organelle. Another cell function would be motiocondria- it provides energy for respiration. Next the nucleus- reproduction. Chloroplasts- make the plant green. Lysosomes- they make fluid for cellular digestion they also play a big role of cells dieing. Ribosomes make proteins to a proses called protiensynthesis. Synthesis- means to create or build, lysis-to break down. Cytoplasm- allows proteins and microcoms to travel. Kate asked do we have a nucleus and he said to talk about it in our groups. My group is deciding between the heart and the brain. another group said that the brain is the nucleus. We have a hundered trillion cells we have millions of nucleus'.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


We started class by Mr.Finley telling us that he fixed the study guides. Then we watched a video and answered these questions...explain what you see. Is this living, nonliving, dormant, or dead? What is the evidence? The last question was what type of cells are these if alive? What is your evidence? (Animal, plant, or bacteria. Eukaryotic or prokaryotic). My answers to these questions were, I think I saw an oval like thing that had hairy things around it and I thought it was single-celled organism eating or attacking something. It is a living thing. My proof is it is moving and seems to have DNA scattered through it. My last answer was it is a bacteria cell because it is moving and seems to have DNA and all the parts that bacteria has which makes it a prokaryotic cell. We all saw different things which we never decided on what was what. Then as a class we decided that it was an animal cell because it jiggles, doesn't have a cell wall, and it a cillia. Bacteria and plant cells do have cell walls. We also decided that it had to be living because it seemed like a cell. Then we looked at two pictures of bacteria under an electron microscope. They had capsules and cell walls so you coudn't see through them but the animal cell in the video was see through. After this we watched another video with paramecium eating yeast that was dyed red.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Functions of cells

Today we had to find the functions of the parts of the cells. We found the functions of:

cell wall- provides and maintains the shape of the cell. It serves as a protective barrier.

cell membrane*-acts as a barrier to the uncontrolled flow of water. It also allows small molecules to pass through. It is like a filter.

ribosome*-they make protein through a process called protein synthesis.

rough endoplasmic reticulum-transports ribosomes and makes protien. They also store and collect ribosomes.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum- makes hormones, breaks down toxins in the liver, and control the amount of calcium in the muscles.

Mitochondria*-gives energy to the cell and allows it to move.

Nucleus*-holds the DNA that provides the cell with it's characteristics. It is also involved in cellular reproduction.

vacuole-digests and releases waste products. In plant cells they store and release nutrients and hold water. It makes cells grow.

cytoplasm-Paths for protein to travel and it gives the cell it's shape. It also holds the organelles in place.

chloroplasts*-responsible for the plant's green color and lets plants photosynthesize.

lysosomes-help the cell digest. Lysosomes release things to break down the cell when it is dying.

golgi apperatus-packages, tags, and sends nutrients to other parts of a cell.

The ones with stars are the ones that Mr. Finley wants us to focus on the most. Mr. Finley already finished averaging our quizzes. Until January 1st Mr. Finley won't post anything up on the website (this includes homework). Our homework tonight is to finish whatever we don't finish in class (view work above).

Sophie 3

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

At the beginning of class we talked about when we would get our tests and quizes back. We then reviewed the cell by bringing up a diagram on the smartboard. It was a diagram of the animal cell. He called on people to tell us what it was classified as and then asked us to go up and label some parts. He called up students to go up one at a time. Once we got all of those parts down we moved to the plant cell. We labeled the cell with all the parts that were not on the animal cell. We then moved on to the bacteria cell. We classified that as a prokaryote and then labeled that too. He taught us about the cell wall and cell membrane and which layer was which. He then told us about the pili flagella and the capsule. They were also parts of the bacteria cell. He showed us a new cell and asked us if we thought it was a prokaryote or eukaryote. I thought it was a eukaryote because there was a nucleus. I was correct it was a eukaryote. He also told us that it was an animal cell. He showed us another cell and asked us to classify it. It was a eukayote and was a single celled animal cell.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Substitue Teacher Day

In class today, we read an article independently. Our period was specifically told to work alone. Mr Finley was not in school today and our substitute was Mrs. Higginson. Then, once we finished reading we answered the questions on the back of the page. We had to take notes on the article and answer questions. The article was about eukaryote and prokaryote cells. Eukaryotes have areas inside the cell seperated off from the rest of the cell by membranes. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane bound organelles. Everything is openly accessible within the cell. DNA is stored all over. Single celled organisms are called unicellular. Organisms made up of groups of cells are multicellular. Types of unicellular organisms are archea and bacteria. Types of multicellular organisms are fungi, plants, and animals. Cells reproduce by splitting slowly and dividing. The substitute said we worked great and she was going to give us a good report. There is more information but you have to read the article to find out. Mr. Finley is still disapointed in us for all the bad reports about cheating, but he will find out who did it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Science Class

Today in class, we had to retake our quiz on the organelles of animal and plant cells.

After that, we were told to write three paragraphs in our notebooks each answering a question that was on the board.
  • The first question was: "What are the similarities and differences between bacteria, animal, and plant cells?"
  • The second question was: "If I say I am looking at a prokaryotic cell, what does that mean?"
  • The third question was: "What came first, prokaryotic cells, or eukaryotic cells?"

For the first question, we said that the plant and bacteria cells had cell walls and the animal cells didn't. We explained that bacteria cells can survive on its own. We also said that animal and plant cells have organelles and bacteria cells doesn't (like...nucleus', endoplasmic reticulums, mitochondrias, golgi apparatus', etc.). In addition, bacteria cells have hair and most animal and plant cells don't (multicellular). The reading told us that these classifications would be that plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells and bacteria cells are prokaryotic cells.

For the second we said that it means to look at a cell with no membrane-bound organelles. Such as bacteria cells.

Lastly, for the third question we said that prokaryotic cells came first because it was the first basic cell. It later evolved into eukaryotic cells. Like bacteria cells came way before humans and plants.

After we finished writing the three paragraphs, we discussed it by looking at a picture of bacteria, animal, and plant cells. That was the science class in Mr. Finley's 7th period class.

  • Prokaryotic Cell: A cell that doesn't have any membrane-bound organelles within it (like mitochodria).
  • Eukaryotic Cell: A cell that does have organelles within it.

-Jimmy Evangelos

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Classifying If Something was Living, Non-living, Dormant, or Dead

Today in class we started talking about if we are ready for the quiz that we had last week about the parts of a cell. Next we went over the homeowrk deciding if the object was living, non-living, dormant, and dead. We went around the room for each person saying if it was living, non-living, dormant, and dead. If u disagreed with the person's answer you would have to raise your hand and defend why you think that. We saved mitochondreia to talk about last because it is the most unique. Organ system, organs, tissue, cells, organelles, molocules, and adams make up what is bigger than each other like cells make up tissues. Then we continued to talk about what hydrogen is. Hydrogen and oxygen are an element. Atoms are considered structures. Here's a list of living, non-living, dormant, and dead:

Tree- living

Rock- non-living


















Hibernating Bear-living




Above is a picture of a bear that is considered living because it has all of the charactereistics of life.


Monday, December 6, 2010

12/5/10 Organism v. cells

Today in class we first talked about our project. Our homework was to vote for three of the best presentations on the characteristics of live. We are sending the best three of each class to a third grade class in chatam.Next Mr. Finley asked us if we were studying our cell parts. When most of the class said that they had been studying,Mr. Finley asked us if we would be ready to take a test.Instantly most people said that they were not ready to take the test.with that,Mr.Finley brought up the subject we had to talk to our parents for homework. We had to think of evidence that a dead organism is alive on a cellular scale. To give an example Mr. Finley told us how is dad once cut of his finger. He gave us the question, are the cells inside the finger still alive? We had a argument whether it is good to put ice one the finger. which led to a whole other discussion.Then Mr.Finley asked us to think about soemthing. Lets say that you deside to be a good eater. No more fatty foods. you deside to go and buy a salad. Is it alive? We had a large discussion. towards the end we started to come to the conclusion that, the organism is dead,however the cell is alive.

Mr. Finley ask us about celerly, when it goes bad we desided that parts of the cells parts break down, for example in the case of the celery, the cell wall would break down and there will be no more structure.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Science class

Today Mr.Finley said that if you blogged during the presentation last month and you didn't like your blog you can redo it at the end of the month after the blogging cycle is over. We made a web that started out with Dead then we defined it as was once living and had all the characteristics of life. Living is that it has the characteristics of life now. Then nonliving never had any of the charateristics of life. Dormant is Lima Beans, Acorns, and Yeast, these things could become living if you add something to it , like water.Dead and dormant can be to diferent things or they come under living or nonliving. Mr.Finley said there is no wrong answer.After that we discussed the homework from Thursday. first, we discussed wether or not a plant cell is an organism. Then, Mr.Finley asked us what a cell was which is the smallest living thing in life.

A link to see a lima bean please go to the following link.

Then, Mr.Finley said that cells can be organisms, but they don't have to be. That was what we did today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

First, we finished our powerpoint presentations on the 8 characteristics of life. Then, we did a worksheet on organisms and cells.