Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today in Mr. Finleys class we did...

First we checked that everyone had there homework. The homework from last night was to go on his webpage and then the homework was under the homework thing. Then you had to click on the Monday- aTranslation and then there was a link to this website. There was also this like example and a paragraph. For homework we had to sum up the paragraph.
Going over the homework. Suming the
What does the term script me for you? he asked. Some of the answers were...persive writing. John Hancok, page, feather pen, the band, transcripts. Most people think of the word script as....writing. Transcript means writing and coping. The transcript of this class is when we rewrote the symbols on a different sheet of paper. On the homework website they colorful things are the nuclitides. Then we did the simulation. We just transcripbed the RnA. He askedd what happened to the Dna. Also what happened to the RnA to make the Dna. What would happen after the Rna is already made? Answer: it would have to.... zip back up . If the Rna left there would be a broken up, just floating around. Durind dna replecation the whole thing unzipps forever. Why would we try to make more dna? Where is dna? Where would we find it? He asked. It would be the same in every part of your body. We need Rna to do everything. From sending our brain signals. Or to tell us that our eyes are blue. Rna is the real thing, but dna is the code that sends the coppied message. what does it mean to translate something. Sean said to decode it. To make it easy to understand. The rna goes into the cytoplasm and then goes to, the ribosomes. The point of protein synthesis is, it makes a protein. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are made up of molecules. Molecules are made up from adoms. We know what amino acids we neeed by the order of the nucletides. 3 mucletides are codons.
Here is a pic of Dna


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