Today we started science class with giving Mr.Finley our lab reports. We then said that gasses and liquids can be considered as fluids. We then looked at the homework and said that the hotter the water the more respiration will occur. Therefore that would mean that a balloon would blow up more with more than one that lets off less respiration, but with too hot water nothing can make nothing happen.I have attached a photo above to show what I mean. The blue balloon represents cold water, the green shows room temperature water. The yellow means a little warmer than room temperature, and finally the red balloon is very warm water. We also looked at a graph, this graph represented how as the temperature increases so does the respiration. The graph starts at the bottom and as the temperature increases so does the amount of respiration, which in the graph shows it in climbing.We then said with cold water, the particles are not killed but slowed down. With the hot water it burns the particles literally to death.We then we talked about how anerobic respiration is a type of acid.
Jake V Period 7
I think that if the water is too cold the yeast will die. I think that happened in the cold water. I don't think that anaerobic respiration is a type of acid. It is a way to create energy without oxygen. A product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid.