Friday, April 8, 2011

Genetics video

Today we watched a video on genetics. We took notes on the video. He is going to collect the notes.

  • We inherit genetic material from our parents.

  • A monk name Gregor Mendel created experiment to figure out how this happened.

  • He did an experiment using peas like our pea soup simulation.

  • Each parent contributes one factor.

  • the factors are genes.

  • they can tell what the offspring might look like, but they can also pass some diseases.

  • Morgan started working with fruit flies to experiment.

  • Morgan took a fruit fly with red eyes and one with white eyes.

  • The offspring had red eyes.

  • All of the flies with white eyes where male.

  • Gender is determined by chromosomes.

  • Morgan found out that the eyes and x chromosomes had some relationship.

  • diseases are caused by problems with genes.

  • George Beetle worked with Morgan.

  • Beetle took bread mold and experimented with it.

  • Beetle aerated the chromosomes and the mold didn't grow.

  • When Beetle added the nutrients the mold started to grow again.

  • This showed that genes did more that give the characteristics to offspring.

  • Barbara Miclintok was a scientist.

  • Miclintok researched the genetics of maize.

  • The color showed where the break in the chromosomes occurred.

  • The color would show up in different parts of corn.

  • Transposons are in all different things.

  • Miclintok's work was ignored.

  • Alford Hershey and Martha Chase found out whether it was the protein in the bacteria or DNA that caused viruses.

  • They found out that it was DNA.

  • James Watson were finding out about DNA.

  • He made a 3-D version of DNA.

  • He got a a x-ray of the DNA and finished the structure.

  • They found out that it was a double helix.

  • People knew that DNA made protein.

  • Scientists found that cells with lots of protein had lots of RNA.

  • Scientists found out that mRNA translated instructions from DNA and made protein.

  • They found out that when they where aligned with triplets it made proteins.

  • The triplets were amino acids.

  • Merinbourg found out how to decipher the genetic code.

  • Certain types of bacteria had enzymes that stopped viruses from taking over the bacteria.

  • Smith found out that the enzymes cut the DNA in the place it was.

  • Through a process called alternative splicing RNA can make more protein.

  • Jeffreys was a detective.

  • Jeffreys found a DNA variant called mini satellite DNA.

  • DNA fingering was used in Jeffrey's case.
I think that today's lesson was on the history of how people found out about genetics.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today we started on class with Mr. Finley telling us that our class was a little behind the other classes. We continued our discussion from yesterday about talking about who could do the U shape with their tongue. In Jake Vignali's family, only him and his mother could do that. We figured out their genotypes were: Dad-cc Mom-Cc Jake-Cc Billie-cc JoJo-cc We figured that Jake would have one capital and one lower case c because he is a hybrid. This means that he only got this trait from his mother(capital C) and the didn't get this trait from his father(lower case c). Billie and JoJo both have lower case c's because the didn't get this trait at all. Together as a class we had made a punnet square of the Vignali's genotypes with the U shape tongue. In the punnet square, we didn't have any CC. We didn't have any because only one of the parents could make the U shape. We had to go over again what dominant and recessive meant. Dominant means that the specific trait overpowers the others. It is most visible. For example, in our class we could tell the U tongue shape because it is dominant in our class because everyone in our class could make the U shape besides one person. Recessive means that the specific trait is less visible and doesn't overpower the others. Some traits are genetically linked. An example that Mr. Finley gave us was that if your parents are good artists, they could pass the trait down. Also some genes block other genes from doing something. The most mutation is albinism. Albinism is the same as being Albino. A mutation in you means that all of the sudden in your life, a gene just changes. Heterozygous means they are different. Cc(genotypes) is considered a heterozygous because they are two different alleles. Examples of homozygous could be CC and cc. But cc is called homozygous recessive. CC is called homozygous dominant because capital C's means dominant. CC has two of the same alleles and same with cc. Now we have been given the challenge to make a punnet square of Ron and Herminees genotypes(Harry Potter characters). We ended class with Mr. Finley letting us know that we have a study session at 7 a.m. The picture shows you dominant and recessive alleles. In the attached picture, do not pay attention to the Gene Loci

Chris Tangreti ROUND #4

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The first thing we did when we came into class was go over our homework. The problem we went over the most was question 3. That was about Spongebob and Spongesusie and if they had a kid what would it be. Square is the dominant allele for Spongebob which means it will over power the other genotypes. The genotypes for Spongebob were Rr and SpongeSusie was rr. If they had kids they would have two round kids and two square kids. The second part was about chances of getting round or square kids. The chance for a square kid is 50% and the chance for a round kid is 50%. Then we talked about the tongue curling. Johnny couldn't curl his tongue and same with his parents, but his brother and sister could. There are a few explanations for this maybe that Johnny's parents could do it they just do not know how to control their muscles. Also, maybe a gene cancelled that gene out. For this to happen is very unlikely. Jake could do it and so could his mom, but his dad and two other brothers could not. The moms genotype could have been Cc and the dad's genotype could have been cc. Jake's genotyoe is Cc and his two other brothers are cc. C means you can roll your tongue and c means you can not. Some people didn't understand this but they could just have just drawn a punnet sqaure like the one above. That will help their understanding of finding kids genes and where they come from.

SF Period 7 Blog 4

Monday, April 4, 2011

7th Period Sience Class- Jimmy Evangelos

In the beginning of class, we handed in our meiosis and genetics paper. In this homework assignment we had to compare similarities and differences between meiosis and genetics. After that, we had a discussion group and we talked about the meaning and placement in the pea soup experiment of four different key terms. They are: Dominant Traits, Recessive Traits, Genotypes, and Phenotypes. We found out that in the pea soup experiment the dominant traits were yellow color and smooth texture. The recessive traits were green color and wrinkly texture. Also, the genotypes were the letters and the phenotypes were the texture and color.

Dominant Traits: Traits that are more likely to be in your children.

Recessive Traits: Traits that are less likely to be in your children.

Genotype: The genetic organization that is not visible in the organism.

Phenotype: The genetic organization that is visible in the organism.

Notice that the letters are not visible on the peas (genotype) and the color and texture are (phenotype). Also, the children are all yellow and there's one yellow parent and one green parent. This proves that green is a recessive trait and yellow is a dominant trait.

-Jimmy Evangelos

Friday, April 1, 2011

Pea Soup!

First Mr. Finley told us we had to write a paper connecting genetics with meiosos and mitosis that has 12 font, double spaced, and is 1 page. It has to be double spaced. We then started talking about the Pea Soup! experiment. We didn't do a great job identifying patterns and similarites and differences we have already seen. Some were that all the green peas had yy letters and the yellows had Yy and YY. The yellow peas have atleast 1 uppercase Y. All the round peas had atleast 1 uppercase R. This means its round. Evidence its only 1 is the parent has 2 RR and the children are rR and they are all round. We chose to have a yellow pea thats round by itself. The children of it should have 3 yellow peas and 1 green pea. 3 will be round, and 1 will be wrinkled. We ended up with 2 yellow round, 1 yellow wrinkled, and 1 green round. We then discussed how to be able to predict transmission. Since 50% of chromosomes come from the parent and 50% come from the other parent. The method to figure out colors are that the first child gets the first Y's from the first ys of the parents. The second child gets the first Y from the first parent and second from the 2nd parent. The 3rd child gets its first letter from the 1st parents 2nd letter and 1st letter from the 2nd. The last child gets the 2nd letters from the parents. We figured out that the letters represebt chromosomes. To explain that 50% chromosomes come from each parent is that the egg and sperm are haploids. So you end up with 2 sperm with the first letter, 2 with the second. And the other 2 eggs with the first letter, 2 with the second.