Tuesday, October 5, 2010


We got our quizs back and two students were tyed for the best grades. We went over them and most of the students got good grades. Now we're going over concusions. One concusion was that it was not an epidenic because it would have been food posioning. It also could be because the battle of the bands everyone could have efected each other. They might have gone to a resterant and not only gotten food poisoning but the plates that the food was on might have been dirty. Most think that it is not an epidemic. We are talking about the epidimic weather the people got sick from the resterant. Almost all the kids that went to the cheep chicken hut went swimming. The water would have gotten contaminated but, the kids that went swimming didn't get sick. Maybe the kids went swimming went smimming but, didn't put there head under water. Maybe the kids got sick from the water at the reasterants.


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