Today in class before Mr. Finley came around to check homework he asked us ways that we could do if we were absent to get our homework to get a good grade. Some of the ideas that the class came up with were to go on the site and check homework, text Mr. Finley, email friends, come in early to school and make it up, check the blog, and chech with friends. Then Mr. Finley asked us how we could do well before and after tests/quizes. The class came up with the idea of studying in advance, make sure that you understand the topic before the test, and have a positive attitdue that you will do well. Also if you dont think that you did well on a test you can correct it and give it back to Mr. Finley a week after and no later, also you have to prove to Mr. Finley that you understand the topic by showing your best work on the makeup. Next we went over the homework. Mr. Finley wanted us to understand the word concensus. It means that everyone in a group agrees. Then Mr. Finley split up the class and each group had to come to a concensus for our vocab on our homework. Then we started to discuss. My group finished and reached a concensus quickly and agreed on many deffinitions for our vocab. We went over the words viruses, bacteria, germs, epidemics, illness, disease, and parasites. We never went over this as a class. Next we went over a concept map. Mr. Finley said a concept map is a chart that can show where things connect and where things dont connect. Our group made a concept map for the vocabulary words. A lot of things in the chart connected bacause a lot of the words were similar. Not a lot of the words were different. For example we thought that viruses could connect to four other words. Also we thought that grems could connect to three things in the chart. Next we made a class made concept map together. The class went up one by one (if you were called on) to connect words to one another. The making of the chart went quick but had some dissagreemants in it. We found a concensus for the disagrements. We didnt finish the chart but it looked like this......
This class was not filled with confusion and it was pretty smooth. In class I was confused but this class helped me understand what the vocab we have been using in class more. Also this class helped me learn how to make a new graph of organization called a concept map. Finally I learned what concensus means. It means that a group of peopple agree on one idea out of all of theirs. I think that some other students were confused as well but i think at the end of class we all understood the concept. PH - Peter House
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