Monday, November 29, 2010

Today in class we got called up to check for our homework, took a quiz, and some of us started our project. On the homework i said in order to be classified as living you need to reproduce, move(in a ceratin way), grow, eat, needs to have energy, responds to stimuli( react), adapt to new enviroments, heredity, cells, and it needs to digest. All of these things humans can do and humans are alive so another living thing could all of those things. We may not be exactly alike ohter living things but we are alive just like those things so they should be able to do them.I was unable to post a link so I found this information from the slideshow which we worked on last wedensday. For the bottom of the homework I put leaves, algae, plankton, grass, and trees. I put these down because these things do not move but they reproduce, eat, and adapt to different seasons(only for trees and lkeaves if they live in a place with for seasons)All of these can be classified as living living things.



  1. Everything you did was great except for the fact that you did not include a picture. You also said that growing and moving are in different categories. They are in the same category because plants growing is the same as moving. In addition, eating, digesting, and having energy are all in the same category of metabolism.But all in all, you still made a good blog.

    -Jimmy Evangelos

  2. I liked the stuff you said but you could have just said they all 8 characteristics of life. Also, all living things are made up of cells. Based on those characteristics fire could be living because it does all of it

    Stephen Ferraro

  3. There were no pictures so I will not be able to fully uderstand what you are talking. Also you did not include a description on any of the characteristics of life, and you did not even talk about homeostasis.

  4. There were no pictures so I will not be able to fully uderstand what you are talking. Also you did not include a description on any of the characteristics of life, and you did not even talk about homeostasis.
    -Jordan Price
