Today we started class by hearing a bad report from the sub. We were very bad and Mr. Finley told us he was very embarresed because she is a friend of his. He then told us to take out a peice of paper and write a letter apologizing to him. He also told us we will not be doing the lab we were supposed to do. After he collected the letters he told us about the biology test we will have to take to pass 9th grade biology. He told us we had 7th and half of 9th grade to learn everything we need to know. He then read something from an older sample test. He then told us we had to watch the lab be done on video and our expert microscope group did not have a great presentation yesterday. He showed us notes/tips 4th period wrote about microscopes, using them, adjusting things, and slide plates and coverslips. Nect we talked about the lab. We were supposed to do it using our own cells but we had to use Mr. Finley's cells. The best cells to look at are cheek cells. These are the best to use because they are big and they constantly come off. To get the cells we gently rub the flat tip of a toothpick inside our cheeks and gently rub it on a slide. We were also supposed to use methylene blue. This is used for many things. We would use it to dye the cells to see them easier. We also learned that using it would make the slide a wet mount slide. If you happen to use a little too much methylene blue you can put a tissue on it but don't rub, gently place it on top to absorb some. This is the process of making a wet mount slide. We then learned about filters and what they are used for; seperating bigger and smaller things. Then Mr. Finley showed us the slide of dyed cells on the computer. They look like little small flower petals from far away but as they get closer they look more like petals from flowers. To finish up we sketched the cells and answered question.
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