Bacteria Reproduction
When we first came into class we handed in our lab reports if you finished them. They are do on Tuesday at 11:59 P.M. You can email it to Mr. Finley, but if your computer is not working Mr. Finley will not accept any excuses. Once the people who did their lab reports had them in, we started talking about how the bacteria reproduces. The equation you should use to find the amount of bacteria produced is two times whatever power you put in. For example, two to the second power equals four. Two to the third power equals eight and so on... We also came up with the statement, the more bacteria the faster they multiply. We call this binary fission. Binary fission means bacteria reproduces by splitting. Then, after all this we got our quizzes and graphs back. The grades were pretty good. The graph has the same pattern as the equation. Towards the end of the class, we started a mini project about different
types of bacteria and there shapes. The different types were cocci, spirillum, diplo, strepto, and staphlyo. My group had cocci. We had to go on to smart notebook paste a picture and write a short description of what it looks like and the definition. Also, we had to describe how it is grouped. It should be short and just explain what needs to be explained. Tomorrow in class, we are suppose to present it to the class so they could learn what you learned
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